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Conduction of parasitological studies during the planned medical examination of pupils

Unfortunately, quite often the medical examination of pupils before the beginning of the school is a formality for parents, and especially the diagnosis of parasitic affections of the body.

According to official WHO data, parasites consistently occupy the 4th place in causing damage to human health around the world. Children are the main group of risk, since among all registered cases of helminthiasis, 80% - among children.

Parasitic infections have a negative influence on the organism, causing:

  • dyspeptic disorders,
  • allergic reactions,
  • feel of tiredness,
  • sleep disorder,
  • high temperature and,
  • many other symptoms that are not always associate with parasitic damage of the body.

In our territory, in the vast majority, are distributed two types of parasites: pinworms and ascarids. Typical for them is the generalization of "intestinal nematodes". Only in 10% of cases the parasitic diseases are caused by other species. Ascarids are parasites that can reach up to 15 cm in length and localize in the small intestine. Pinworms are much smaller, up to one centimeter in length, but not less harmful to the children's organism. They mostly localize in the large intestine. Rarely enough, but there are other types - necator americanus, trichinella, opisthorchis, ancylostoma, etc.

Regardless of the type and location, all parasites have a negative effect on the children's body, because they feed on nutrients that enter to the body with food. Moreover, parasites emit a significant amount of toxins that negatively effect the general condition. As a result of poisoning with toxins, the following symptoms are: insomnia, headache, and sometimes even anxiety. Worms may also eat leukocytes and cause anemia. Allergies, dermatitis that difficult to treat, are not rarely caused by parasitic infections.

What is the best method of detecting helminths?

This method is the parasitological study with use of Parasep concentrators. Parasep are disposable tubes intended for concentration of intestinal parasites by centrifugation through a specialized filter. This technology helps to detect about 20 types of helminths, and successful diagnosis is no less important, than proper treatment. The latest technology of parasitological research has been developed in England and tested in hundreds of laboratories in Europe and the United States.

What is the benefit of research with Parasep?

The material is collected in the test tube, containing a fixative, and allows to store fixed material for 4 weeks. No longer need to deliver freshly collected material to the laboratory. Parasep provides not only accurate diagnostics, but also the convenience of delivery and storage of biological material.

Is it always possible to detect parasites from the first time?

No, not always. Sometimes, depending on the development cycle of a particular parasite, retesting is required. For proper interpretation of the results and necessity of retesting, contact your doctor.