Abacus 5 - bench-top device with throughput of 60 tests per hour, determines 26 blood parameters with 5-part WBC differentiation.
Device is available with a small sample, which allows to operate with 25 μl blood, a sample autoloader, with 100 tubes capacity, is also available for order optionally.
Autoloader is equipped with tube bar-code reader and sample mixing function.
Perfect choice for laboratories, that needs high throughput and maximal functionality.
Manufacturer: Diatron MI Zrt, Hungary
60 tests per hour
26 blood parameters + 2 scatter graphs and 2 histograms, with 5-part WBC differentiation: WBC, LYM, MON, NEU, EOS, BAS, LYM%, MON%, NEU%, EOS%, BAS%, RBC, HCT, MCV, RDWsd, RDWcv, HGB, MCH, MCHC, PLT, MPV, PDWsd, PDWcv, PCT, PLCC, PLCR
100 μl (whole blood, closed test tubes), 25 мкл (opened tubes) – with installed SSM-module
Opened or closed tubes (with sample autoloader)
optical (laser) 5-part WBC differentiation method; impedance method for measuring standard parameters; Photometric method for hemoglobin determination
automatic or manual calibration (WBC, HGB, PLT, MCV, RDW, MPV)
QC data base; standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variability (CV) calculation for all parameters, Levy-Jennings curves plotting
WBC/BAS – 1:170, RBC/PLT – 1:21250 and 4 Diff – 1:50 dilution
4 chambers (for previous dilution and mixing) + 2 chambers for measuring
100 000 results, including histograms
English, Russian or others
Colorful touch-screen, external USB-keypad connection is available, USB interface for external printer connection
40 х 50 х 45 cm, weigh 35 kg (autoloader - 12 kg)