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PARASEP Disposable concentrator for stool samples collection

PARASEP Disposable concentrator for stool samples collection

Manufacturer: APACOR, United Kingdom

Certificate of state registration № 13358/2013

Key Features

Parasep is a disposable concentrator for intestinal parasites adapted for concentrating them by centrifugation and filtering through a special filter. Concentrators are plastic tubes, consisting of sample tube, filter and a container for collecting filtered material. During centrifugation parasites pass through the filter and collected in the lower tube compartment.

The system improves the detection of parasites and improves their visualization, reduces the risk of infection and the amount of waste that can optimize the process of research on helminth eggs and raise the diagnostics to a new level.


  • Optimal handling of biological material
  • Improved standardization method
  • Reduced analysis time
  • Reducing the risk of contamination
  • Increasing the reliability of the analysis
  • Reducing the amount of waste generated as a result of the analysis